STEPS OF Web Designing........

HTML  Training:-

The very basic thing in web designing is HTML. Without knowing the HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) you can not learn the other advance languages and tools. HTML is the basic language for showing the content of web pages on a web browser.

CSS  Training :-
Having learnt HTML, CSS is the another cool language of Web designing. After getting the basic concept of HTML you must start learning CSS. CSS is the game of colors. It is used to define styles for a web page or entire website. You can define what background colors, font colors, font sizes and what styles will be used in Your website. CSS creates a fancy environment for web designers.You can learn it completely.

JavaScript Training:-

JavaScript is related to web development because it is a scripting language, but while making a website in within HTML+CSS we sometimes do need of JavaScript. Therefore, we should also have the basic understanding of JavaScript. JavaScript can be used to interact with web pages. Pages can dynamically be changed by using JavaScript.     

Dreamweaver  Course:-

After learning the basic coding of web designing; there is a superb software called Dreamweaver which is used to create websites. This software has a great environment for web designers. You don’t need to write code in Dreamweaver. You will just add HTML, CSS & JavaScript elements and Dreamweaver will add codes itself. But if you have the basic knowledge of coding then it will be more beneficial for you to understand the script and structure.

Complete Blogger Training :-

Here is a surprise for you guys. Whenever you code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript or even in Dreamweaver you then upload the files/folders to a web server and publish it online. But there are many Online free platforms for publishing your website online. is one of the best online recourse for creating and designing a blog in minutes. It has the very best web designing tools and widgets. You can use CSS, HTML and JavaScript massively while working with

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